A constructive friendship

To complete the presentation on The Undoing Project chapter, addressing prospect theory and biographical elements about Kahneman, Thaler and Tversky, here is an article from The Guardian that compares, in an amusing way, Tversky and Kahneman to "the Lennon and McCartney of behavioral psychology" !


The article traces the lives of the two Israeli researchers and not only the period from 1974 to 1976 as presented in Chapter 10 today.

It illustrates how a friendship can stimulate reflection and reinforces the idea that if they had not been together, they would surely not have had the same success in their careers. Indeed, what would have been Kahneman's research, if Tversky had not had the "eureka moment" to integrate gambles with losses as outcomes, and even from an outside point of view: without the two friends, it is likely that Thaler would not have gone so far in his research without stumbling upon the "gold mine" (as he says himself) of Tversky and Kahneman's articles.
