The associative machine

Image result for John Barg experience the florida effect

It all starts with an example :


Immediately, links are created between the words by our brains, scenarios : the banana can be disgusting, I will maybe throw up the next time I eat a banana. Here, the state of my memory has changed.

We associate words togethether, this is what we called the associative activation. Words create memory, that influence our emotions and create facial expressions and reactions. We have cognitive, emotional and physical responses, associatively coherent. Actually, this is the System 1 which creates links between 2 words juxtaposed. Moreover, this shows that we not only think with our brains, but with our body.

The main theory here is the association of ideas. In 1748, David Hume tried to explain the principle of association with:
1. Resemblance
2. Contiguity in time and place
3. Causality

However, we can't use anymore this explaination nowadays. In fact, it has been shown that we don't only think about 1 idea, but severals, and most of the time, all the associations are done unconsciously. 

Thanks to progress in the methods, we have now identified the Priming Effect.

EAT        ---         S0_P      ---       SOUP
WASH    ---         SO_P     ---       SOAP

Image result for the ideomoto effect

A major breakthrough is that we realized that concepts and words influenced our actions and experiences, and vice versa, but more importantly that we are influenced by things we are not even conscious.

A good example to illustrate this is John Barg's experience about the Florida effect.
This is the influence of an action by the idea : the ideomotor effect. Of course, it works in the 2 ways.

Huge impact on us, we were thinking that we are autonomous and conscious humans. Our System 2 push us to not beleive to this effect. We see ourselves as intelligent humans, it seems impossible that we are influenced by unconscious things.

The Priming phenomena uses our System 1, the unconscous part of our brains : it makes impressions into beleif, that is the source of our decisions and actions. 
