How to attract students attention ?

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One of the hardest task for a teacher is to attract students attention, but also to keep it.

As students, we are really easily distracted by someone we see passing outside, our computers, our phones or even someone coughing. So what are the best solutions to attract us ? 

1. Use videos or attractive/funny pictures to make us focus thanks to the visual and sound effects

2. Create debates, with different subjects that enable the students to participate and say their opinions. The more touchy the subject of the debate is, the better attention you will have

3. Promise reward at the end of the class with a small quizz on the themes of the day or for the student who participated the most

4. Striking and chocking examples, really concrete one

5. The threat : "you have to participate if you want to pass"

And of course, it also depends from the students, and their motivations for the class. 


  1. Thanks for the sensible list of suggestions. I guess it's one thing to attract attention, e.g. with catchy videos, and nother to capture peoples' attention, e.g. by engaging in a debate people care about?


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